I add SEO keywords to my Shopify Store Blog Articles | No Apps!

Elghorfi Mohamed
5 min readMay 13, 2022

Keywords appear in search engines' search queries that people search for. As an example, someone might search for Colored Baby Toys Games. In this case, the keywords would be Colored Baby Toys and Baby Toys Games. To make your store appear higher in search results, you should try to find out which keywords your customers might use to find your products, and add them to your store content.
Also, one thing that can boost SEO for your Shopify store, and I can say it is required for SEO, is the Meta Keywords Tag.

What is this Meta Keywords Tag?

Meta keywords are a <meta> tag option that could be used to give more information to search engines on what a page is about, and is highly recommended to use to rank your Store in search engines.

A <meta>tag defines what different types of metadata are about in an HTML document. You can check these meta tags in the source code of each page, which is what search engine crawlers scan to determine what a page is about. Here is an example of the meta keywords tag, as you see keywords split by ‘ , ’:

<meta name=”keywords” content=”Keyword1, Keyword2, Keyword3">

For the keywords, Each search engine sets its own rules. However, it is a good practice to have less than 10% of the total words on a page. If for example, your page has 300 words it is better to have a maximum of 30 words in your meta keyword tag

How to add meta keywords for SEO to your Shopify store?

Shopify does not give merchants the ability to add them via the Shopify Admin Panel, So in this article, we gonna see how we can add these tags & implement them into our Shopify store for FREE without any app.

We will make some changes to our Shopify theme. Let’s begin:

Log in to your Shopify store.

Goto ‘Online Store > Blog posts’ from sidebar.

Select a blog post from the list on mainbar, if you haven’t one, create a new blog post.

On the right sidebar, scroll until TAGS, and add a new tag like shown below:

keywords: Baby Safety Products|Baby Clothes Online|Handmade Baby Accessories Baby Accessories.

Put the word ‘keyword:’ at the beginning of the tag then add your keywords split by the symbol ‘|’ since ‘ , ’ is not accepted in tags we will use the pipe. No spaces before/after ‘|’ to save characters.

PS: each tag must be less than 255 characters.

See the image below, it shows how you can insert multiple keywords using multiple tags.

Add keywords for SEO to your Shopify Store Blog Articles | No Apps needed!

Now, goto ‘Online Store > Themes’ from sidebar.

Add keywords for SEO to your Shopify Store Blog Articles | No Apps needed!

Then, on mainbar, click ‘Actions > Edit Code’.

Add keywords for SEO to your Shopify Store Blog Articles | No Apps needed!

The Theme editor opens up, On the sidebar, search for ‘Layout > theme.liquid’, click on it and you’ll get the file content on the editor right on the mainbar.

The main idea is that we will insert these keywords as tags on the blog articles and we will exploit them to add them to our meta keywords. I will describe that after in this article.

Basically, we will make changes to this file. So, please make a copy in case you faced any issues so you can restore it.

Add keywords for SEO to your Shopify Store Blog Articles | No Apps needed!

Right after the tag <head> insert the below liquid code:

{% assign blog_keywords = “//Put here some default keywords” %}
{% if template contains “article” %}
{% for tag in article.tags %}
{% if tag contains “keywords” %}
{% assign blog_keywords = blog_keywords | append: tag %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign blog_keywords = blog_keywords | replace: “|”, “, “ | replace: “keywords:” | “” | append: ‘,’ %}
{% endif %}

As the below in my case:

Add keywords for SEO to your Shopify Store Blog Articles | No Apps needed!
  1. Here we will add some default keywords for our Shopify Store. As shown in the pictures above, I used some babies' keywords to show you how it goes.
  2. In this line, we check if the page loaded is a blog article, you can do the same with products just replace the word ‘article’ with ‘product’.
  3. We loop through all the article tags.
  4. We check if the current tag contains a ‘keywords’ word on it.
  5. Here, we group all the tags containing our keywords in one variable.
  6. We prepare the keywords in the right format.
  7. Adding our keywords to the page source code.

Now, everything should be as we expect, save the file and let’s test our code now.

Goto the article we’ve added tags to, right-click on the page, and click on “View page source”. Or on your keyboard click and hold “Ctrl+U” for windows users Or “Command+U”.

Add keywords for SEO to your Shopify Store Blog Articles | No Apps needed!

Search for our <head>tag and here we go, our meta keywords tag is there:

Add keywords for SEO to your Shopify Store Blog Articles | No Apps needed!

So, this is the end of our article today, I hope you learned something from it.
Have a wonderful great day.

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Elghorfi Mohamed
Elghorfi Mohamed

Written by Elghorfi Mohamed

Frontend || Shopify Expert Developer || Shopify Consulting

Responses (1)

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Interesting.. I am not sure why Shopify does not have some built in thing to do it from admin.!
